Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Well, today, Lianna and I were on our own. We went to Sea Port Village, the Old Spaghetti Factory (which was excellent, btw), and Horton Plaza downtown. I found a shirt at Crazy Shirts at Sea Port Village that was dyed with beer... I had to have it. They also had shirts dyed with money... Pretty cool stuff.
Monday, June 28, 2004
We made our way up to Mt. Palomar today to see the observatory. It's the home of the 200" Hale telescope. Very cool for astronomy buffs like us. Of course she was disappointed that she couldn't look through it until she understood that there was nothing to look through. All images are captured by computers and state of the art photo sensors. The trip through the mountains was cool too. We saw what was left after the big fire last year. Lots of charred trees everywhere, but the undergrowth is coming back. Nature has a funny way of doing that...

Saturday, June 26, 2004
Sat down tonight to get the pics off my camera, and low and behold, one of my aunt's neighbors has WiFi. Sweet. Expect more pics over the next two weeks. Here is one I took today.
High above the Grand Canyon on our flight from Denver to San Diego.
We're sitting at the airport in Omaha waiting for our plane to take us to San Diego. Free WiFi here, so I thought i'd say see ya later... Not sure if I'll have any net connection while we're there, so I may not be online.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
We knew it would happen someday:
RIAA Claims Music On Car Radios Meant Only For Original Vehicle Owner!!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Well, today I finally hit the big 3-0. It's funny, but I don't feel any different than I did yesterday. Some of you may pass it off as no big deal, but it's a pretty big milestone in this young man's life. The last 30 years have given me so much and taken so much at the same time. It's been filled with joy, sorrow, tears, laughter, heartache, excitement, boredom, decisions, regrets, and many many memories. So, happy birthday to me! Time to get on with my next 30 years!
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Dave Winer has graciously provided a redirect from to here, which is the new temporarlily permanent home for this blog...
a.k.a. - Update your focking bookmarks!
a.k.a. - Update your focking bookmarks!
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Well fuckin-a, Kerulian finally got hisself a blog over here. I added the link to the ol' roll to the right -->. I've known this cat for many moons, and I can tell you, the net ain't seen nothing quite like him. Prepare yourselves...
Sunday, June 13, 2004

I had a little fun with our bowling team picture. Our sixth man was unavailable for the photo, so we snapped his pic later and I shopped in his head...
I found out today that will no longer be hosting free weblogs, so is dead, Viva La Bubba Blog! I have had this for some time, just to fuck around and try new things, so I'm going to start making all my new posts here. This offers more functionality, and has some really cool features. I can post via E-mail, telephone, and of course my laptop or any other Internet connected PC. There will be a mix of things to expect, so keep your eyes and ears open. Oh yeah, and make sure you update your bookmarks.
An open statement to Dave Winer:
Dear Mr. Winer,
I've been a user for quite some time, and I feel that you owe my readers more than a page that says "This site is for people with sites that used to be hosted at" when they try to visit my site. I understand that you can no longer provide free weblogging facilities to everyone, but to pull the sites with no warning is just mean. You have my E-mail address, the least you could have done was tell me you couldn't host the site anymore. Blogs, and the Internet in general, are about communication, something that you could use a lesson in.
Ryan Vermeys
Dear Mr. Winer,
I've been a user for quite some time, and I feel that you owe my readers more than a page that says "This site is for people with sites that used to be hosted at" when they try to visit my site. I understand that you can no longer provide free weblogging facilities to everyone, but to pull the sites with no warning is just mean. You have my E-mail address, the least you could have done was tell me you couldn't host the site anymore. Blogs, and the Internet in general, are about communication, something that you could use a lesson in.
Ryan Vermeys