
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I've got a good one for you, it's one of those stories you hear about all the time about how companies are too tight to let the IT department do things right. We've been talking about doing a full domain upgrade at work for some time now, and since all support for NT ends December 31st, we're going to do it Q1 of next year. We'll be upgrading to Windows 2003, no easy task. I asked the natural question, "When are you going to send us to training?". The answer? In typical fucked company style: "There isn't going to be any, we'll have to read books and get our info off the web."

I hate it...

So, if anybody out there has any tips or tricks pertaining to a Windows domain upgrade from NT 4.0 to Windows 2003, please, please, please send them my way...


Gimme Some Shit


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