
Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Well, I had to call the cops again tonight. I just as well put them on speed dial. This time the neighbor, who I'm going to start calling the perpetrator (perp), thought he'd be sneaky and drive off the street to the north of me, and into his backyard. This time, through two different yards. The police went and talked to the guy and he said it was his roommate's truck, and that he wasn't home. I'm betting he was hiding in the back bedroom, not uptown playing pool. And, from the sounds of it, I'm not the only person in the 'hood who's had a problem with the people in that house, which makes me feel a little better. I've also included a picture that should explain much of what I'm talking about (click it to make it bigger). It might even give you a chuckle. At least I'm beginning to see humor in some of this. I'll be smiling even more when he learns to keep his truck off my yard. Anyhow, now I know this isn't the end of it, I'll keep you updated.


I think it's time for linch mob, Boys get a ROPE. If you need me to bring a shovel let me know. DOC

I think you'll need a shovel alright, Doc. For all your B.S. :P

Oh, wait. You'd need a backhoe for that.

Gimme Some Shit

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